Magic Fert High P

12 – 52 – 0 – B


Magic fert is a high quality N.P.K. fertilizer.

Contains  12% Nitrogen + 52% P2O5 and Boron.

Magic Fert High P is a fully water-soluble fertilizer that provides the plant with Phosphorous and Nitrogen. It is used by foliar application or with irrigation water for all plants to increase the formation of the root system.


Magic Fert High P Advantages:

  • 100% soluble in water.
  • It is used in various irrigation systems.
  • Contains Boron, which increases the absorption and transport of nutrients
  • It is used for all vegetable crops, fruit trees and ornamental plants
  • Free from heavy elements, chlorine, and harmful elements.


Magic Fert High P

12 – 52 – 0 – B


Magic fert is a high quality N.P.K. fertilizer.

Contains  12% Nitrogen + 52% P2O5 and Boron.

Magic Fert High P is a fully water-soluble fertilizer that provides the plant with Phosphorous and Nitrogen. It is used by foliar application or with irrigation water for all plants to increase the formation of the root system.


Magic Fert High P Advantages:

  • 100% soluble in water.
  • It is used in various irrigation systems.
  • Contains Boron, which increases the absorption and transport of nutrients
  • It is used for all vegetable crops, fruit trees and ornamental plants
  • Free from heavy elements, chlorine, and harmful elements.


Nitrogen ……………12%

phosphorus ………52%

Boron………   ………1%


  • Can be mixed with most fertilizers .
  • Do not mix with insecticides.

Rates and applications:

Crop Rates Application Notes
Fruit trees Foliar spray 2.5 cm / liter of water

irrigation water 1- 2 liters / feddan

During the vegetative growth
Vegetable plants Foliar spray 2.5 cm / liter of water

irrigation water 1- 2 liters / feddan

2-3 weeks after planting and during the vegetative growth
Cereal crops Foliar spray 2.5 cm / liter of water

irrigation water 1- 2 liters / feddan

During the vegetative growth
Oil crops Foliar spray 2.5 cm / liter of water

irrigation water 1- 2 liters / feddan

During the vegetative growth
greenhouses irrigation water 1-2 cm / liter Two weeks after transplantation and repeated every 2-3 weeks
Green lawns Foliar spray 2.5 cm / liter of water

irrigation water 1- 2 liters / feddan

At the beginning of the growing season
Ornamental plants Foliar spray 2.5 cm / liter of water

irrigation water 1- 2 liters / feddan

During the vegetative growth

In cases of deficiency symptoms Spray at the beginning of deficiency symptoms on the plant at a rate of 1-2 cm / liter of foliar spray water

These rates are indicative and may change according to the conditions of the plant and the soil conditions

Registration number :  354/1