Egy Pride 35% SC


Egy Pride 35% SC is a broad-spectrum insecticide. It works by contact and as a poison by feeding with a long-acting effect to control adult flies


Group: Neonicotinoids

Active ingredient: Imidacloprid


  • Highly toxic to a high variety of insect pests.
  • Extended effect.
  • Fast acting
  • Environmentally safe


Egy Pride 35% SC


Egy Pride 35% SC  is a broad-spectrum insecticide. It works by contact and as a poison by feeding with a long-acting effect to control adult flies


Group: Neonicotinoids

Active ingredient: Imidacloprid


Mode of Action:

Egy Pride 35%  acts on  post-synaptic nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the insects nervous system The poisoned insects will go through paralysis and eventually death.



  • Highly toxic to a high variety of insect pests.
  • Extended effect.
  • Fast acting
  • Environmentally safe


It can be mixed with other pesticides. A mixing test should be performed.

Always read the label completely before use.

Ensure proper storage procedures of pesticides.

Local recommendations:




Adult flies

29 cm3/10 liters of water

CAS. Number : 138261-41-3

Registration number:  1915/2017

Read more – WorldWide Use  Recommendations For Active Ingredient: 

Egy Pride 35% is a broad-spectrum systemic insecticide. It works by contact and as a poison by feeding with a long-acting effect to control sucking insects that infect plants such as aphids, thrips, mealy bugs, whiteflies and scale insects. It can be used as a spray or through the soil or as poisonous bait or as a seed treatment, or as paint on the stem of the plant and to control household insects such as adult flies

World Wide Use:

Crop Pest Rates (product / feddan) PHI
Vegetables Aphids- Leaf hoppers 50 cm3 / 100 liters of water 15 Days
Apple – Pear – Apricot – Almond – Peach Leaf miners- Aphids- Leaf hoppers 100-50 cm3/ 100 liters of water 30 Days
Citrus Leaf miners- Aphids 100-50 cm3/ 100 liters of water 30 Days
Potato Aphids- Leaf hoppers 50 cm3 / 100 liters of water 30 Days
Strawberry Aphids- Leaf hoppers 50 cm3 / 100 liters of water 7 Days
Eggplant – Tomato – Pepper Aphids- Leaf hoppers 50 cm3 / 100 liters of water 15 Days
Onions Aphids 50 cm3 / 100 liters of water 15 Days
Soybean Aphids- Leaf hoppers 50 cm3 / 100 liters of water 15 Days

CAS. Number : 138261-41-3

Registration number:  1915/2017